My comp is back from its doctor. Thank Goddess. So now its time for catching up. I can't quite remember everything that has happedned since my last entry. Well to update this silly Matt thing. I no longer like this kid. And to further this I plan on not liking anyone at a jump again. I got to know this kid and he is absolutely rediculous. He recently shaved his head because he is depressed reason being he doesnt have a girlfriend. I think that this is one of the better things one could do to oneself for being depressed yet not much better than the rest. Also I may not be the smartest person on earth but this kid is not so smart. I just don't know what exactly the silly little school gurl in me saw.
I've been to a couple of parties since I last wrote. Not much happening there. Just a couple of drinks and nothing more. No incidents. No drunken pixie.
I recently wasn't really happy in life. I just woke up a few days ago and looked at myself and wasn't happy. Where am I rite now in my life? Where will I be in say five years? What do I have to show for being 20? Who exactly am I? But I found inspiration in a song just yesterday. Be like the squirrel gurl by the White Stripes. If you get a chance listen to it. It provides comfort for me, maybe it could do the same for you.
Well now I have to go to a picnic a maow some food.